Sportsman’s Cove was founded in 1995 by Jason & Gerry McClain, and is family owned and operated. We strive to provide the best customer service in the industry with a friendly environment.
Services We Provide
- Bow repair on any brand
- Custom arrows
- Custom bowstrings
- Bow tuning
- Archery leagues
- Archery lessons (by appointment)
- 10 lane indoor 20 yard archery range
- Technohunt video archery range
- Spot shooter and 3D shooter
- State deer and turkey check station

Products We Carry
- Bows: Mathews, Mission, Hoyt, Bear
- Arrows: Gold Tip, Easton, Carbon Express
- Bowfishing supplies
- Crossbows: Mission, Parker, Barnett, Tenpoint, Carbon Express, Excalibur
- Targets
- Bowcases
- Everything archery for the hunter!
- Rifles: Colt, Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer, Ruger, Kel Tec, Wilson Combat, Remington, Mossburg, and many more…
- Handguns: Glock, Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Springfield, Ruger, Kel Tec, Colt, Sig Sauer, and many more..
- Muzzloaders and Supplies Thompson Center…
- Ammunition
- Reloading Supplies, Smokeless Powder, Primers
- Full line of fishing tackle
- Live bait